Xiao's Tutoring Center


Xiao's Tutoring Center was founded on May 4th 2022. This center was created for the purpose of teaching childrens new knowledge as well as offering support with homework. We understand that kids struggle in school because they didn't understand the topics that they learn, which is why Xiao's Tutoring Center was founded. Our core belief is that every children deserves to learn and succeed in their education. We have many tutors from college students to actual teachers, they have knowledge on all sorts of things. Our tutoring center not only tutor students, we also teach them the things they should learn in school.

Core Curriculum

Our Core Curriculum is taught depending on grade level and proefficency in those classes. There would be a entrance exam, so that we can place students at the right place. This is important because we need to know where to start teaching. Even if your grade level is below the course level, as long as you show that your capable, you can learn ahead. However, if your not capable of learning the things your currently learning, you would be demoted and start learning from the bottom. This would strengten the students' foundation.

Class Ranking/Placement

  1. Intro = Prek to 1st grade
  2. Basic = 2st to 5rd grade
  3. Advanced = 6th to 8th grade
  4. Elite = 9 to 12th grade


  1. Intro Math
  2. Basic's Math
  3. Advanced Math
  4. Elite Math


  1. Introduction to Grammar
  2. Basic Grammar
  3. Advanced Grammar
  4. Eliete Grammar

Reading and Writing

  1. Introduction level
  2. Basic level
  3. Advanced Level
  4. Elite level


Students would learn science and science related subjects in this course. The related subjects are Physic, Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. These classes would also be rated from Basic to Master level.

  1. Intro Science
  2. Basic Science
  3. Advanced Science
  4. Elite Science
  5. Physic
  6. Chemistry
  7. Biology
  8. Medicine

Social Study

This course includes history from all over the world. We have teachers that have taken those course in college, some even went to that country just to learn.

  1. Introduction to U.S. History
  2. Basic U.S. History
  3. Advanced U.S. History
  4. Elite U.S. History
  5. Basic to Elite leveled World History


There are many tutors here at Xiao's Tutoring Center. Tutors can assist students with all sorts of things, from core curriculum in school to being taught how to play a musical instrument correctly. Not only that, we believe that students would require a good mental state in order to succeed in whatever they plan to do, which is why we're also offering fun activites. These fun activites would obviously incorporate educational materials into it. An example of this would be solving questions in order to read manga or even having free time. There are many other rewards and activites that we utilize in order to bring out your kids inner potential.

Here's a image of some of the kids that have succeeded due to our assistance, and how Xiao's Tutoring Center looks like. This is only a part of the entire center, the center is 8 buildings tall, and this is only one of the many rooms.


Unfortunately, none of the tutors/teachers were willing to share their pictures online. We know that parents, teachers, and guardians would find this dissappointing, but we have to respect their privacy. Especially since the world has become more dangerous, people are being killed all over the place. Racism, violence, crimes, and etc have increased by a lot recently. The tutors don't feel safe enough, which is why we ask for your understanding.

Don't worry, although the teachers weren't willing to share their face, we can gurantee that they are a professional and have a degree in their respective fields. Some colleges that the tutors went to are Harvard, Northwestern, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Duke, Brown, Massachusetts institute of technology, University of Chicago, and many more.

Additonal Support

For additional support, please contact us at xxx@xiaocenter.org, or call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Another option would be to visit us at xxx West xxth Street, 60616 Chicago Illinois.